Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama's Church: The Fundamentals

Black Liberation Theology:..Destroying the white devil in us...


If you have read Mr. Obama's book, "Dreams from my Father", or my posting here entitled Obama Quotes: The Two Worlds of...you'll note that the Reverend Wright's church fit perfectly the Obama quest to distance himself from the white that ran through his veins.

Be sure you get the 1995 edition of Mr. Obama's Book, however, because editions that followed, once Obama realized he could be a Presidential contender, were cleansed of most of the 1995 racist content. Obama would comment rereading the 1995 edition made him grimace. [refind statement]

In a Fox news Hannity interview with Obama's spiritual advisor, Reverend Jeramiah Wright, the reverend repeatedly interupted Mr. Hannity asking:
1) Have you read James Cone?
2)Do you know black liberation theology?

So, who is James Cone and what does he tell us that we need to know about black liberation theology?

"James Cone, quoted in William R Jones, “Divine Racism: The Unacknowledged Threshold Issue for Black Theology”, in African-American Religious Thought: An Anthology, ed Cornel West and Eddie Glaube, Westminster John Knox Press, 2003, pp. 850, 856.

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."

From James Cone’s own, Black Theology and Black Power, 1997, Orbis, p.150:

"For white people, God’s reconciliation in Jesus Christ means that God has made black people a beautiful people; and if they are going to be in relationship with God, they must enter by means of their black brothers, who are a manifestation of God’s presence on earth. The assumption that one can know God without knowing blackness is the basic heresy of the white churches. They want God without blackness, Christ without obedience, love without death. What they fail to realize is that in America, God’s revelation on earth has always been black, red, or some other shocking shade, but never white. Whiteness, as revealed in the history of America, is the expression of what is wrong with man. It is a symbol of man’s depravity. God cannot be white even though white churches have portrayed him as white. When we look at what whiteness has done to the minds of men in this country, we can see clearly what the New Testament meant when it spoke of the principalities and powers. To speak of Satan and his powers becomes not just a way of speaking but a fact of reality. When we can see a people who are controlled by an ideology of whiteness, then we know what reconciliation must mean. The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us. Reconciliation to God means that white people are prepared to deny themselves (whiteness), take up the cross (blackness) and follow Christ (black ghetto)."

"Black theology cannot accept a view of God which does not represent God as being for oppressed blacks and thus against white oppressors. Living in a world of white oppressors, blacks have no time for a neutral God. The brutalities are too great and the pain too severe, and this means we must know where God is and what God is doing in the revolution. There is no use for a God who loves white oppressors the same as oppressed blacks. We have had too much of white love, the love that tells blacks to turn the other cheek and go the second mile. What we need is the divine love as expressed in black power, which is the power of blacks to destroy their oppressors, here and now, by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject God's love." [A Black Theology of Liberation, p. 70]

(the 10 and 12 step black Liberation credo to be added here)

Trinity's Black Value System
1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the Black Community
3. Commitment to the Black Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a portion of Person Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System

"A Black Theology of Liberation" by James H. Cone

If the oppressed of this land want to challenge the oppressive character of white society, they must begin by affirming their identity in terms of the reality that is anti-white. Blackness, then, stands for all victims of oppression who realize that the survival of their humanity is bound up with liberation from whiteness.’ This understanding of blackness can be seen as the most adequate symbol of the dimensions of divine activity in America. And insofar as this country is seeking to make whiteness the dominating power throughout the world, whiteness is the symbol of the Antichrist. Whiteness characterizes the activity of deranged individuals intrigued by their own images of themselves, and thus unable to see they are what is wrong with the world. Black theology seeks to analyze the satanic nature of whiteness and by doing so to prepare all nonwhites for revolutionary action…

The black intellectual's goal, says Cone, is to "aid in the destruction of America as he knows it." Such destruction requires both black anger and white guilt. The black-power theologian's goal is to tell the story of American oppression so powerfully and precisely that white men will "tremble, curse, and go mad, because they will be drenched with the filth of their evil."

In the preface to his 1970 book, A Black Theology of Liberation, Wright wrote: "There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: 'How can we become black?'

of note :
It turns out the Trinity Church, like many African-American churches, happily accepts believing Muslims within its congregation. And evidently many Muslims have no problems surrounding themselves with an anti-American, anti-Israel preacher who week in and week out wins the amens of his adoring congregation.

The Goals Of Black Liberal Theology — Dr. Robert A. Morley, internationally recognized scholar in the fields of theology and apologetics.

“l.The goals of BT are to turn religion into sociology, Christianity into a political agenda, Jesus into a black Marxist rebel, and the gospel into violent revolution. They are more interested in politics than preaching the gospel.

“III. The Methodology of Black Liberal Theology

“The main method employed by BT is to manipulate embittered young blacks by turning their feelings of inferiority, alienation, jealousy, hopelessness and self-hate, into racist rage against whites, Orientals and affluent blacks who are conveniently blamed for their lack of personal initiative to better their lot in life.

“IV. The Main Philosophic Error of Black Liberal Theology

“BT is based upon the philosophic error of relativism in which ‘Jesus’ is viewed as only a religious symbol which can be interpreted anyway they want. Thus it does not matter who and what the historical Jesus really was. BT invented a black Marxist Jesus to lead the way to violent revolution because such a ‘Jesus’ will serve their purpose. BT is condemned in II Cor. 11:4 and Gal. 1:8-9.

“V. The Racism Of Black Liberal Theology

“While BT is filled with racist statements against whites and Orientals, it is primarily a form of ‘black on black’ racism. The following evidence demonstrates this to be true.

“A. While BT claims to give blacks a better self-image, they unwittingly encourage a poor self-image among blacks by defining “blackness” in such negative terms as ‘the poor,’ ‘the oppressed,’ and ‘niggers.’ Why do they always define the ‘black experience’ in such negative terms? Why do they assume that all blacks live in the ghetto subsisting on welfare in the midst of crime and filth?

“B. With its constant emphasis on God loves the poor, the oppressed, etc. BT actually paralyzes and demoralizes blacks to accept a parasitic life- style dependent on the government dole instead of fostering self-reliance and entrepreneurship.

“C. It seems to me that BT feeds off of class envy and racist rage. Instead of spending their time blaming the white man for the black man’s problems, BT ought to be encouraging black men or women to become financially successful through hard work and self-reliance.

“D. BT often describes the black man as a helpless victim of forces and people beyond his control. But this negative stereotype often leads people to accept poverty, drugs, crime and filth as their unalterable fate.

“E. BT makes a great mistake when it assumes that poverty automatically means crime and filth. Just because you are poor does not mean you have a license to rob, rape, or murder others. The poor are for the most part good and honest people. Crime is crime regardless of who commits it. Poverty is no excuse for criminality.

“F. BT judges people on the basis of the color of their skin instead of the content of their character.

“G. BT gives the impression that the black man’s problem is his skin instead of his sin.

“H. Most BT books glorify rage, hatred and violence instead of faith, hope and love.

“I. BT preaches race instead of grace as the solution to problems.

“J. BT cries out for political liberation instead of spiritual salvation.

“K. BT thinks more of Marx than it does of Jesus.

“L. BT is more interested in black culture than in Jesus Christ.

“VI. The Liberalism Of Black Liberal Theology

“BT is not a fundamental, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring theology. BT was created by white liberation theologians at white liberal seminaries and universities that are radically anti-Christian and anti-Bible.

“A. Most of those involved in BT do not believe in the Trinity, the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, literal ascension or return to this world. They claim that all such doctrines are ‘Western.’

“B. Many of those who teach BT openly deny the immortality of the soul, a conscious after-life in heaven or hell, the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the eternal conscious torment of the damned in hell. They usually say that hell is ‘being black on welfare in the ghetto.’ They attack those blacks who talk about heaven as a ‘pie in the sky by and by slave mentality.’

“C. BT often denounces Christianity as racist and the ‘white man’s religion.’ But then it turns around and claims that Jesus was black. If Jesus was a black man, then how can Christianity be the ‘white man’s religion?’

“D. Most BT writers deny the inspiration, inerrancy and authority of the Bible while at the same time using it to foster their racist agenda.

“E. Many BT leaders teach the theory of evolution in which man evolved from an ape in Africa as if that theory can give dignity to blacks or to anyone else. The theory of evolution actually destroys all dignity and morals by reducing man to an animal.

“VII. The Absurdity of Black Liberal Theology

“BT is so filled with self-contradiction and erroneous ideas that it is has no intellectual merit. For example, BT defines ‘blackness’ and ‘whiteness’ in the Marxist sense of class struggle. Thus BT is not really talking about blackness as a race but as a class. Wake up! Read that last sentence again. Did you get it? Black liberal theology is really concerned with class struggle and not about black people per se. What is ‘black’ and ‘white’ according to the BT books?

“Black = anyone regardless of race or color who is economically and politically oppressed by the upper classes.

“White = anyone regardless of race or color who is guilty of oppressing the lower classes.

“Walter McCray in his book, The Black Presence In The Bible, quotes with approval the definition of blackness given by his liberal mentor, Charles Copher.

“Additionally, one may be defined as black regardless of color or race; all who suffer oppression…are classified as black.(p. 161, n.72.)

“This irrational definition ends up with some white people being ‘black’ and some black people being “white.” According to BT’s definition, a blond, blue- eyed, white Swede on drugs and welfare is ‘black’ while the successful black man who owns his own company is ‘white.’ Other absurdities abound in their writings.

“A. BT claims that Adam and Eve were black. If this is true, then all men are ‘black’ because they came from the first black parents. On what grounds then does BT divide up mankind into black vs white and black vs yellow? Aren’t we all ‘black’ having come from the same original black DNA?

“B. BT claims that Noah, his wife and their three sons and wives were all blacks. Yet, they also claim that the blacks descended from Ham. And they run through the Bible looking for Hamite references to track the history of the black race. How can this obvious contradiction be resolved ?

“C. As part of its Marxist ideology, BT believes that history is as relative as morals. Thus BT rewrites history to foster its own socio-political goals. This is why BT does not hesitate to teach lies and to practice academic chicanery. The ‘truth’ is not their concern. To manipulate young blacks into racist rage is always their real goal.

“D. BT claims that nearly every individual and nation mentioned in the Bible was black. They do not prove that this true. They simply asset that this is so. Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled a racist.

“E. BT claims that the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians were all black. Yet, they were the cruelest oppressors known in history. For example, the Assyrians enslaved and deported entire populations. Mass murder was their favorite means of oppression. How can they be “black” when they were worse oppressors than Hitler or Stalin?

“F. BT claims that the ancient Egyptians were black and that the Jews were black as well. But since the Egyptians were a very oppressive society which enslaved the Jews and other minorities and conquered many surrounding nations, how can the Egyptians be ‘black’ and oppress people at the same time?

“G. BT just like the KKK and other racist groups claims that its race is the sole source of all that is good in all cultures. But this is a two edged sword. If the blacks are responsible for all the good in the world, then they are equally responsible for all the evil. To claim that the black man can do no wrong and that the white man and yellow man can do no good, is absurd as well as racist.

“H. BT claims that the ancient Greeks were black and thus Greek philosophy was created by blacks. But then BT also says that the white Greeks stole their philosophy from African blacks. How can the Greeks be black and white at the same time? But if they were all blacks, then what is wrong with blacks sharing ideas?

“I. BT claims that the Greeks stole their ideas from black Africans and thus all the good in Western culture comes from blacks. But if this is true, how can BT condemn Western culture on one hand and then claim that it came from blacks on the other hand?

“J. BT also claims that all the good in Oriental culture came from African blacks. The Orientals thus stole their culture from the blacks. But if this is true, why are African motifs missing in Oriental philosophies and art?

“K. BT authors claim that the Egyptian word Kemet means ‘the land of the Blacks.’ In reality, the word actually means ‘the black land’ referring to the dark soil along the flood plain of the Nile. It is used in Egyptian literature in opposition to the word Deshret which literally means ‘the red land,’ a reference to the color of the dirt or sand in the desert.

“VIII. Black Liberal Theology Contradicts The Bible

“In order to make everyone in the Bible black, BT takes passages out of context, ignores the grammar of Hebrew and Greek, and then attacks anyone who disagrees with them as ‘racist’ or ‘white.’ But BT violates several clear Scriptures.

“1. Acts 17:26 “He made from one all the nations of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.”

“The Bible teaches that there is only one race — the human race — regardless of size, shape or color. Thus there is no “black” or ‘white’ blood. There is only human blood which can be transfused from one man to the next regardless of color or race. BT con-tradicts this by talking about “black blood.”

“2. Rom. 2:11 “There is no partiality with God.”

“God does not treat people any differently because they are red, yellow, black or white. They are all precious in His sight. But BT claims that God is partial to blacks! This is just as wrong as the Nazis who claimed the same thing for the Ayrian race or the KKK who claims the same for the white race.

“3. Gal. 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

“BT divides the Church into different economic classes and pits them against each other. Thus they try to put asunder what God has joined together. The Body of Christ is one.

“4. Eph. 4:4-5:2 “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

BT preaches bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and that blacks should seek revenge instead of taking the path of forgiveness.

“5. 1 Sam 16:7 “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

“BT looks only at the outward appearance. This is wrong. We must judge people not by their color but by their moral character or lack of it.

Conclusion :

“Black liberal theology is not of God but of the devil. It is nothing more than ‘white liberal religion’ and is used by white theologians and politicians to keep blacks down in order to use them as cannon fodder for a Marxist revolution. Black liberal theologians slave for their white Marxist masters to bring about a violent revolution that would guarantee that all men, blacks included, would always be poor and oppressed. The only answer to liberal theology, regardless of the color of those who teach it, is personal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you have experienced the love of God in Christ, you do not have any room in you heart for the self-hate and racist rage upon which BT feeds. The black community needs a revival — not a revolution; Jesus — not Marx; Christianity — not liberalism. Jesus is the only One who can change the hearts of all men and set them free from their bondage to sin.”


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