Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daily Caller: Excerpts from JournoList journalists - Shut Down FOX News

A few excerpts from JournoList journalists
By The Daily Caller | Published: 1:29 AM 07/21/2010 | Updated: 2:19 AM 07/21/2010

Jonathan Zasloff – UCLA law professor

read more @: The Daily Caller - Liberal journalists: Shut Down Fox News

"FOX is Not a News Organization" ... now where have we heard that before??

Oh, that's right we saw an effort by the Obama crew to BAN FOX NEWS using that attack back in October. It failed when Obama assumed his media droolers would fall in line and didn't.

One thing we know is Obama will push n push n push until Bama gets what Bama wants.
Could some of these nojournalists be Obama-inkshirts nudging others to fall in line, to support the Obama kill the Fox voice, so that the White House can try-try again?


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